

Im Original

All the little fish. Maggie Furtak. A cappella. Secular , Unknown. Language. English. TTBBBB.


All the little fish. Maggie Furtak. A-cappella-. Weltliche, Unknown. Sprache. Englisch. TTBBBB.

Im Original

A sea chanty for three-part men's choir, with a little additional division here and there, to be sung a cappella. Rather dissonant. If I had to guess, this is going to be a bear to keep in tune. Get ready to hold on by your fingernails. The baritones get the worst of it. There is a short solo for tenor 1 to be sung straight-toned and as legato as possible. The piece as a whole is sort of a series of short vignettes. I'm not sure how it would best be described as far as form. If anyone is interested in performing this piece, please let me know and I'll let you know if you have the premiere. pateceramics@yahoo. com.


A sea chanty for three-part men's choir, with a little additional division here and there, to be sung a cappella. Rather dissonant. If I had to guess, this is going to be a bear to keep in tune. Get ready to hold on by your fingernails. The baritones get the worst of it. There is a short solo for tenor 1 to be sung straight-toned and as legato as possible. The piece as a whole is sort of a series of short vignettes. I'm not sure how it would best be described as far as form. If anyone is interested in performing this piece, please let me know and I'll let you know if you have the premiere. pateceramics @ yahoo. com.
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