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The New Real Book - C Edition. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music. Beginning.Übersetzung
Die New Real Book - C Ausgabe. Verschiedene. C-Instrument Noten. Noten für Klavier. Beginn.Im Original
The New Real Book - C Edition composed by Various. Edited by Chuck Sher. For C instrument. This edition. spiral-bound. New Real Books series. The only legal, corrected and updated version of the original Real Book. Now available in C, Bb, and Eb. All living composers have approved these charts. many of them are from the composer's own lead sheets. Charts for the standards were derived from a co. Jazz and Pop. Difficulty. easy-medium to medium. Fakebook. spiral bound. Melody, chord names, introductory text and black & white photos. 438 pages. Published by Sher Music Company. SR.NRB1C. ISBN 9780961470142. With melody, chord names, introductory text and black & white photos. Jazz and Pop. 9x12 inches. Jazz classics, choice standards, pop-fusion classics. The only legal, corrected and updated version of the original Real Book. Now available in C, Bb, and Eb. All living composers have approved these charts. many of them are from the composer's own lead sheets. Charts for the standards were derived from a consensus of the best recorded jazz versions. Created by musicians, for musicians. The new standard in fake books. Endorsements. "Terrific publication. Great collection of tunes and really nicely presented and printed. " -Chick Corea. "Check out the New Real Book. Highly recommended. "-Guitar Player. "Wonderful for beginners and just as great for professionals. "-Ron Carter. "You have a hell of a book and I can see where I will have a great time using it. "-Illinois Jacquet. "This is a fine book to have. "-McCoy Tyner. "Shows tremendous respect for the music and the musicians. "-Denny Zeitlin. "Finally. it's here. - the book we've all been waiting for. Great tunes, great manuscript and correct chords. "-Jamey Aebersold. "It will set a new standard of excellence and accuracy for years to come. "-Richie Beirach. "An extremely worthwhile volume to have, easy to work with, accurate and highly intelligent. "-Down Beat. Affirmation. Airegin. All Or Nothing At All. All Of Me. Always There. Ana Maria. Angel Eyes. Anthropology. Autumn Leaves. Baby, I Love You. Basic Street Blues. Beautiful Love. Bernie's Tune. Bird Food. Black Ice. Black Narcissus. Blizzard Of Lies. Blue Bossa. Blue Daniel. Blues Connotation. Blues on the Corner. Boogie Down. Both Sides Of The Coin. Boucin' with Bud. Breakfast Wine. Breakin' Away. But Beautiful. Chain of Fools. Change of Mind. Chega De Saudade. Chelsea Bridge. Come Sunday. Compared to What. Creek. Crystal Love. Cubano Chant. Darn that Dream. Delevans. Desafinado. Desire. Dig. Dindi. Do Nothing 'Til You Hear from Me. Don't Get Around Much Anymore. Don't Go To Strangers. Doors. Early Autumn. Easy. Eighty One. Elm. Endangered Species. E.S.P. Everything Happens To Me. Fall. Farmer's Market. Favela. Fire. First Light. Feel Like Makin' Love. Foolkiller. Footprints. Four. Four Brothers. Four On Six. Friends and Strangers. Funkallero. Gaviota. Gee Baby, Aint' I Good to You. Gemini. Gloria's Step. Goin' Home. Gone With The Wind. The Goodbye Look. Good Morning Heartache. Guaruja. Hallucinations. Hanuted Ballroom. Havona. Here's That Rainy Day. Hideaway. I Love Lucy. I Mean You. I Should Care. I Thought About You. If I Were a Bell. If You Never Come To Me. I'll Take Romance. I'm All Smiles. Imagination. In Walked Bud. The Island. It Happens Every Day. Jersey Bounce. Joshua. Keep that Same Old Feeling. Killing Me Softly with His Song. La Samba. La Vida Feliz. Lady Bird. Last First. Last Train from Overbrook. Laurie. Let Me Be The One. Let's Go Dancin'. Like Someone In Love. Line For Lyons. Little Sunflower. A Little Tear. Little Waltz. Love Came on Stealthy Fingers. Love Dance. Lush Life. Madagascar. Make Me A Memory. Sad Samba. Matinee Idol. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy. The Midnight Sun. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set. Modadji. Monkey's Uncle. Monk's Mood. Moonlight in Vermont. Mornin'. Morning Dance. Mr. Clean. Mr. Gone. My Attorney Bernie. My Shining Hour. Nature Boy. Nefertiti. Never Givin' Up. Never Make You Move Too Soon. Nigerian Marketplace. Nightlake. No Me Esqueca. Not Ethiopia. Nothing Personal. Off Minor. Oleo. Once I Loved. One Family. One For My Baby. And One More For The Road. Out Of This World. Oz. Papa Lips. Partido Alto. Pent Up House. Plaza Real. Polkadots and Moonbeams. Potrait of Tracy. promenade. Put It Where You Want It. P.Y.T.. Pretty Young Thing. Quintessence. Rapture. Re. Person I Knew. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird. Remember Rockefeller At Attica. Rio. River People. Robbin's Nest. Ruby, My Dear. Rush HOur. Safari. Sandu. Satin Doll. Save Your Love For Me. Search for Peace. Self Portrait In Three Colors. Shaker Song. Shaw 'Nuff. Simple Samba. Skylark. A Sleepin' Bee. Small Day Tomorrow. Solar. Someday My Prince Will Come. Song For Lorraine. Sonja's Sanfona. Soul Sauce. Wachi Wara. Speak No Evil. Spiral. St. Thomas. Sticky Wicket. Street Life. Sudden Samba. Sunrunner. Take The "A" Train. Tenderly. Theme For Ernie. There Will Never Be Another You. These Foolish Things. This Masquerade. The Three Marias. Three Views of a Secret. Time Remembers One Time One. Triste. Tune Up. Turn You Love Around. Twisted. Unit Seven. Up Jumped Spring. Velas. velas Icadas. Very Early. Voyage. Waltz For Debby. Waltz New. Waterwings. Wave. A Weaver Of Dreams. We'll Be Together Again. Well, You Needn't. West Coast Blues. What's New. Where Is Love. Who Can I Turn To. Wildflower. Willow Weep For Me. Witchcraft. Yes And No. Young Rabbits. Your Mind Is On Vacation. Misty. Speak Low. Stormy Weather.Übersetzung
Die New Real Book - C Ausgabe von Various zusammen. Herausgegeben von Chuck Sher. Für C-Instrument. Diese Ausgabe. Spiralbindung. New Real Books Serie. Die einzige rechtliche, korrigierte und aktualisierte Fassung des ursprünglichen Real Book. Jetzt in C, Bb, Eb und verfügbar. Alle lebenden Komponisten haben diese Diagramme genehmigt. aus der eigenen Lead-Sheets des Komponisten viele von ihnen sind. Charts für die Standards wurden von einer Zusammenarbeit abgeleitet. Jazz und Pop. Schwierigkeit. easy-Medium zu Medium. Fakebook. Spiralbindung. Melodie, Akkorde, Einführungstext und schwarz. 438 Seiten. Veröffentlicht von Sher Music Company. SR.NRB1C. ISBN 9780961470142. Mit Melodie, Akkorde, Einführungstext und schwarz. Jazz und Pop. 9x12 Zoll. Jazz-Klassiker, die Wahl-Standards, Pop-Fusion-Klassiker. Die einzige rechtliche, korrigierte und aktualisierte Fassung des ursprünglichen Real Book. Jetzt in C, Bb, Eb und verfügbar. Alle lebenden Komponisten haben diese Diagramme genehmigt. aus der eigenen Lead-Sheets des Komponisten viele von ihnen sind. Charts für die Standards wurden von einem Konsens der besten Jazz-Versionen aufgezeichnet abgeleitet. Erstellt von Musikern für Musiker. Der neue Standard in gefälschte Bücher. Vermerke. "Terrific Veröffentlichung. Große Sammlung von Melodien und wirklich schön präsentiert und ausgedruckt. "-Chick Corea. "Schauen Sie sich die New Real Book. Sehr zu empfehlen. "-Gitarren-Spieler. "Wunderbar für Anfänger und ebenso groß für Profis. "Ron Carter-. "Sie haben eine Hölle von einem Buch, und ich kann sehen, wo ich eine tolle Zeit mit ihm haben. "Illinois Jacquet-. "Das ist ein schönes Buch zu haben,. "-McCoy Tyner. "Zeigt großen Respekt vor der Musik und den Musikern. "-Denny Zeitlin. "Endlich. es ist hier. - Das Buch haben wir alle gewartet. Große Melodien, große Handschrift und korrekte Akkorde. "Jamey Aebersold-. "Es wird einen neuen Standard von Exzellenz und Genauigkeit für die kommenden Jahre festgelegt. "-Richie Beirach. "Ein äußerst lohnende Volumen zu müssen, einfach, mit zu arbeiten, präzise und hochintelligent. "Down Beat-. Bestätigung. Airegin. All Or Nothing At All. All Of Me. Always There. Ana Maria. Angel Eyes. Anthropologie. Autumn Leaves. Baby, Ich liebe dich. Grund Street Blues. Beautiful Love. Bernies Tune. Vogelfutter. Black Ice. Die schwarze Narzisse. Blizzard Of Lies. Blue Bossa. Daniel Blau. Blues Konnotation. Blues auf der Corner. Boogie Down. Beide Seiten der Medaille. Boucin 'mit Bud. Frühstück Wein. Breakin 'Away. But Beautiful. Chain of Fools. Sinneswandel. Chega De Saudade. Chelsea Bridge. Come Sunday. Was im Vergleich zu. Bach. Crystal Love. Cubano Chant. Darn That Dream. Delevans. Desafinado. Wunsch. Dig. Dindi. Nichts tun ', bis Sie von mir hören. Get Around Much Anymore nicht. Gehe nicht mit Fremden. Türen. Early Autumn. Leicht. Eighty One. Ulme. Bedrohte Arten. E.S.P. Everything Happens To Me. Fallen. Bauernmarkt. Favela. Feuer. First Light. Feel Like Makin 'Love. Foolkiller. Footprints. Vier. Vier Brüder. Four On Six. Freunde und Fremde. Funkallero. Möwe. Gee Baby, Ist das nicht 'ich gut zu dir. Zwillinge. Gloria Schritt. Goin 'Home. Gone With The Wind. Das Wiedersehen Blick. Guten Morgen Heartache. Guaruja. Halluzinationen. Hanuted Ballroom. Havonas. Hier That Rainy Day. Versteck. I Love Lucy. Ich meine, Sie. I Should Care. I Thought About You. Wenn ich eine Glocke. Wenn Sie Never Come To Me. Ich werde Liebesfilme. Ich bin All Smiles. Phantasie. In Walked Bud. Die Insel. Es passiert jeden Tag. Jersey Bounce. Joshua. Halten Sie, dass Same Old Feeling. Killing Me Softly mit seinem Lied. La Samba. Das Happy Life. Lady Bird. Last First. Last Train from Overbrook. Laurie. Let Me Be The One. Let 's Go Dancin'. Like Someone In Love. Linie für Lyon. Kleine Sonnenblume. Eine kleine Träne. Kleiner Walzer. Liebe kam auf Stealthy Fingers. Love Dance. Lush Life. Madagaskar. Stellen Sie mir eine Speicher. Sad Samba. Matinee Idol. Mercy, Mercy, Mercy. Die Mitternachtssonne. The Midnight Sun Will Never Set. Modadji. Affe Onkel. Monks Mood. Moonlight in Vermont. Mornin. Morning Dance. Mr. Clean. Herr gegangen. Mein Rechtsanwalt Bernie. My Shining Hour. Nature Boy. Nofretete. Nie Givin 'Up. Nie Make You Move Too Soon. Nigerianischen Marktplatz. Nightlake. No Me Esqueca. Nicht Äthiopien. Nothing Personal. Off Minor. Oleo. Once I Loved. Eine Familie. One For My Baby. And One More For The Road. Aus dieser Welt. Oz. Papa Lippen. Partido Alto. Pent Up Haus. Plaza Real. Polkadots und Moonbeams. Potrait von Tracy. Promenade. Put It Where You Want It. P.Y.T.. Pretty Young Thing. Inbegriff. Entrückung. Re. Person I Knew. Reincarnation Of A Lovebird. Denken Sie daran, Rockefeller Bei Attika. Rio. River People. Robbin's Nest. Ruby, My Dear. Stoßzeit. Safari. Sandu. Satin Doll. Save Your Love For Me. Suche nach Frieden. Selbstporträt in drei Farben. Shaker Song. Shaw 'Nuff. Einfache Samba. Skylark. Ein Sleepin 'Bee. Kleine Tag morgen. Solar-. Eines Tages kommt mein Prinz. Song For Lorraine. Sonja Sanfona. Soul-Sauce. Wachi Wara. Speak No Evil. Spirale. St. Thomas. Sticky Wicket. Street Life. Sudden Samba. Sunrunner. Take The "A" Train. Zärtlich. Theme For Ernie. There Will Never Be Another You. These Foolish Things. This Masquerade. Die drei Marias. Drei Ansichten von einem Geheimnis. Zeit erinnert One Time One. Traurig. Tune Up. Biegen Sie Liebe um. Verdreht. Einheit Seven. Sprang Frühling. Kerzen. velas Icadas. Sehr frühe. Reise. Waltz For Debby. Waltz New. Waterwings. Welle. A Weaver Of Dreams. Wir Together Again. Nun, Sie brauchen nicht. West Coast Blues. Was gibt es Neues. Wo ist die Liebe. Wer kann ich mich wenden. Wildflower. Willow Weep For Me. Hexerei. Jein. Junge Kaninchen. Your Mind Is On Vacation. Neblig. Speak Low. Stürmisches Wetter.Häufige Anfragen
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