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The Nursery Rhyme Book. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Der Kinderreim Buch. Verschiedene. Klavier, Gesang, Gitarre Musik Blatt. Voice-Noten. Gitarre Noten.

Im Original

The Nursery Rhyme Book. Composed by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Music Sales America. Traditional, Children's. Softcover. 64 pages. Music Sales #AM26824. Published by Music Sales. HL.14023588. ISBN 0860018156. Traditional, Children's. 8.75x11 inches. Over one hundred well-loved songs and rhymes. Easy piano arrangement plus words and chord symbols where appropriate. Includes. Jack and Jill. Little Boy Blue. Old King Cole. Three Blind Mice. and more. Away In A Manger. Baa Baa Black Sheep. Barnyard Song. Bobby Shaftoe. Christ Is Born In Bethlehem. Diddle Diddle Dumpling My Son John. Ding Dong, Bell. Doctor Foster. Frere Jacques. Georgie Porgie. Girls And Boys Come Out To Play. Goosey Goosey Gander. Grand Old Duke Of York. Handy Spandy. Here We Go Gathering Nuts In May. Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush. Hey Diddle Diddle. Hickory, Dickory Dock. Humpty Dumpty. Hush Little Baby. I Love Little Pussy. I Saw Three Ships. Jack And Jill. Jesus Loves Me. Jingle Bells. Ladybird Ladybird. Little Bo Peep. Little Boy Blue. Little Jack Horner. Little Miss Muffet. London Bridge Is Falling Down. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Mary Mary Quite Contrary. Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. O Christmas Tree. O Tannenbaum. Oh Dear. What Can The Matter Be. Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone. Old King Cole. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Old Mother Hubbard. Oranges and Lemons. Pat-a-cake Pat-a-cake Baker's Man. Pease Porridge Hot. Polly Put The Kettle On. Pop Goes the Weasel. Pussy Cat Pussy Cat. Ring-A-Ring O' Roses. Rock-A-Bye Baby. Row Row Row Your Boat. See-saw Margery Daw. Simple Simon. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Ten Little Indians. The Farmer in the Dell. The Muffin Man. There Was A Crooked Man. This Little Pig Went To Market. Three Blind Mice. Tom Tom The Piper's Son. Turn Again Dick Whittington. Twas The Night Before Christmas. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. We Willie Winkie. Yankee Doodle.


Der Kinderreim Buch. Komponiert von Various. Für Klavier. Vokal. Gitarre. Music Sales America. Traditionelle, Kinder. Softcover. 64 Seiten. Музыка по продажам. Veröffentlicht von Music Sales. HL.14023588. ISBN 0860018156. Traditionelle, Kinder. 8.75x11 Zoll. Über hundert gut geliebt Lieder und Reime. Einfache Klavierarrangement sowie Wörter und Akkord-Symbolen gegebenenfalls. Inklusive. Jack und Jill. Little Boy Blue. Old King Cole. Three Blind Mice. und mehr. Away In A Manger. Baa Baa Black Sheep. Barnyard Lied. Bobby Shaftoe. Christus ist geboren in Bethlehem. Diddle Diddle Dumpling Mein Sohn John. Ding Dong Bell. Doktor Foster. Frere Jacques. Georgie Porgie. Mädchen und Jungen Come Out To Play. Gans Gänserich. Grand Old Duke Of York. Handlich Spandy. Hier gehen wir sammeln Nüsse im Mai. Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush. Hey Diddle Diddle. Hickory, Dickory Dock. Humpty Dumpty. Hush kleines Baby. Ich liebe kleine Muschi. I Saw Three Ships. Jack und Jill. Jesus liebt mich. Jingle Bells. Ladybird Ladybird. Kleines BO lugen. Little Boy Blue. Kleiner Jack Horner. Little Miss Muffet. London Bridge Is Falling Down. Mary Had A Little Lamb. Mary Mary ziemlich gegensätzlich. Jetzt lege ich mich schlafen. O Christmas Tree. O Tannenbaum. Auweh. Was kann die Angelegenheit sein. Oh Wo ​​Oh Wo ​​Hat My Little Dog Gone. Old King Cole. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Old Mother Hubbard. Orangen und Zitronen. Pat-a-cake Pat-a-cake Baker-Man. Pease Porridge Hot. Polly setzte den Kessel an. Pop Goes The Weasel. Pussy Cat Pussy Cat. Ring-A-Ring O 'Roses. Rock-A-Bye Baby. Row Row Row Your Boat. See-Saw Margery Daw. Simple Simon. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Ten Little Indians. Der Bauer in der Dell. The Muffin Man. Es war ein Crooked Man. Das kleine Schwein ging zum Markt. Three Blind Mice. Die Tom Tom Pipers Sohn. Drehen Sie sich wieder Dick Whittington. Twas die Nacht vor Weihnachten. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Wir Willie Winkie. Yankee Doodle.
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