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The Whippoorwill. Choir sheet music. Intermediate.Übersetzung
Die Whippoorwill. Chor Noten. Zwischen-.Im Original
The Whippoorwill composed by Nina Quinlivan. Arranged by Nina Quinlivan. For Choir, SATB, Choir - other voicings. 21st Century, Pop, World, Secular. Intermediate. Score. Published by Nina Quinlivan. S0.24734. The Whippoorwill contains a beautiful lyric vocal line that is enhanced by rich harmonic voice leading. The true beauty of this piece lies in its functionality. The song is highly recommended for the choir that has an over abundance of female voices, and it can also be performed solely SSA, omitting the tenor and bass lines. Not only is this song an excellent learning piece for high school students, the poetic text makes it appropriate for adult choirs as well. A note from the composer. I chose to base the lyrics on the Whippoorwill for the uniqueness of this bird. The Whippoorwill is a bird that flies during the night instead of the day. They have nests on the ground instead of in trees, and the Native Americans believe that the Whippoorwill will catch a soul in flight as it is leaving the earth. Another fun fact is that John Burroughs, famous naturalist of the Burroughs Audubon Society in Kansas City, once heard a Whip-poor-will make 1,088 vocal repetitions before pausing. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.Übersetzung
The Whippoorwill composed by Nina Quinlivan. Von Nina Quinlivan angeordnet. Für Chor, SATB, Chor - andere Voicings. 21st Century, Pop, World, Secular. Zwischen-. Partitur. Veröffentlicht von Nina Quinlivan. S0.24734. The Whippoorwill contains a beautiful lyric vocal line that is enhanced by rich harmonic voice leading. The true beauty of this piece lies in its functionality. The song is highly recommended for the choir that has an over abundance of female voices, and it can also be performed solely SSA, omitting the tenor and bass lines. Not only is this song an excellent learning piece for high school students, the poetic text makes it appropriate for adult choirs as well. Ein Hinweis des Komponisten. I chose to base the lyrics on the Whippoorwill for the uniqueness of this bird. The Whippoorwill is a bird that flies during the night instead of the day. They have nests on the ground instead of in trees, and the Native Americans believe that the Whippoorwill will catch a soul in flight as it is leaving the earth. Another fun fact is that John Burroughs, famous naturalist of the Burroughs Audubon Society in Kansas City, once heard a Whip-poor-will make 1,088 vocal repetitions before pausing. Digitaldruck bedruckbar Noten jederzeit und überall. Nur kaufen, Print-und Spiel. Sehen Sie Ihre Online-Noten zu Hause, Schule, Arbeit oder wo immer Sie einen Computer mit dem Internet verbunden haben. Nutzen Sie unsere iPad-App, um Ihre digitalen Musiknoten auf dem Sprung zu sehen. Mit Digitaldruck, können Sie Ihre digitalen Noten sofort nach dem Kauf zu drucken, oder warten, bis der günstigen. Und unsere Software-Installation ist einfach - wir werden Sie durch die einfachen Schritte, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR und das Sheet Music Plus AIR-Anwendung haben.Häufige Anfragen