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Smile. Choir sheet music. Advanced.Übersetzung
Lächeln. Chor Noten. Fortgeschritten.Im Original
Smile composed by Nina Quinlivan. Arranged by Nina Quinlivan. For SATB. 21st Century, Pop, World, Secular. Advanced Intermediate. Score. Published by Nina Quinlivan. S0.25805. Smile is written in an A, B, C format for an SATB choir. Part A starts in a minor key with a haunting but beautiful vocal line eventually being enhanced with rich harmonic tones. Part B is the same tempo as Part A but is now in a major key with splendid harmonies which starts to give the song an uplifting feeling. Part C is now faster with each voice getting a chance to shine with gorgeous melodic lines. This song can be sung by a high school choir or an adult choir. A note from the composer. I wrote Smile because I am around young people a lot and there is so much talk about sadness and suicide in todayâs culture. I wanted to write a song that gave them hope. Sometimes it just takes a smile from you to turn someoneâs day around. It can also work in reverse. Someone may take the time to smile at you to turn your day into a good day. So smile, itâs free. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.Übersetzung
Smile composed by Nina Quinlivan. Von Nina Quinlivan angeordnet. For SATB. 21st Century, Pop, World, Secular. Erweiterte Intermediate. Partitur. Veröffentlicht von Nina Quinlivan. S0.25805. Smile is written in an A, B, C format for an SATB choir. Part A starts in a minor key with a haunting but beautiful vocal line eventually being enhanced with rich harmonic tones. Part B is the same tempo as Part A but is now in a major key with splendid harmonies which starts to give the song an uplifting feeling. Part C is now faster with each voice getting a chance to shine with gorgeous melodic lines. This song can be sung by a high school choir or an adult choir. Ein Hinweis des Komponisten. I wrote Smile because I am around young people a lot and there is so much talk about sadness and suicide in todayâs culture. I wanted to write a song that gave them hope. Sometimes it just takes a smile from you to turn someoneâs day around. It can also work in reverse. Someone may take the time to smile at you to turn your day into a good day. So smile, itâs free. Digitaldruck bedruckbar Noten jederzeit und überall. Nur kaufen, Print-und Spiel. Sehen Sie Ihre Online-Noten zu Hause, Schule, Arbeit oder wo immer Sie einen Computer mit dem Internet verbunden haben. Nutzen Sie unsere iPad-App, um Ihre digitalen Musiknoten auf dem Sprung zu sehen. Mit Digitaldruck, können Sie Ihre digitalen Noten sofort nach dem Kauf zu drucken, oder warten, bis der günstigen. Und unsere Software-Installation ist einfach - wir werden Sie durch die einfachen Schritte, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR und das Sheet Music Plus AIR-Anwendung haben.Häufige Anfragen