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Songs of Ireland. Jerry Silverman. Voice sheet music.Übersetzung
Songs of Ireland. Jerry Silverman. Voice-Noten.Im Original
Songs of Ireland composed by Jerry Silverman. For voice. Squareback saddle-stitched, SongBook. Celtic. Irish. Multiple Levels. Book. 112 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94395. ISBN 9781562221133. Celtic. Irish. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Over 100 classic Irish songs in three categories. Thro' Tara's Halls, All in Americay, and The Troubles. These songs chronicle the struggle and voyages of Irish and Irish-American history. From the polished lines of Moore and Yeats, to the rollicking rhymes of Percy French, to the anguished cry of the wife upon seeing her crippled husband back from the wars, from Bendemeer's Stream to Brooklyn City. all the good times and hard times in between are portrayed in these songs. Include historical information, melody line, lyrics, and guitar chords. Dick Darby. Batchelor's Walk. Bold Robert Emmet. Finnegan's Wake. From Erin's Shores. The Dingle Puck Goat. Tigaree Torum Orum. Will You Go, Lassie, Go. Cockles And Mussels. Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill. Real Old Mountain Dew. Since I've Been In The Army. The Bold Black And Tan. The Bowld Soger Boy. The Croppy Boy. The Fenian Man O'war. The Star Of County Down. Garryowen. I Know My Love. Irish Astronomy. Kilgary Mountain. None Can Love Like An Irishman. O'reilly's Gone To Hell. The Cork Leg. The Irishman's Epistle. The Rising Of The Moon. We've Drunk From The Same Canteen. Where The Grass Grows Green. Abdullah Bulbul Ameer. Across The Western Ocean. Father Murphy. John Riley. Mountains Of Mourne. Pat Murphy Of The Irish Brigade. The Bold Tenant Farmer. The Fenians Of Cahirciveen. The Kerry Recruit. The Lowlands Of Holland. Fillimiooriay. Morrissey And The Russian Sailor. No Irish Need Apply. The Praties, They Grow Small. Bendemeer's Stream. O'Donnell Aboo. The Bonny Bunch Of Roses. The Cork Men And New York Men. The Patriot Mother. The Sons Of Liberty. John Mitchel. Johnny, I Hardly Knew You. Old Rosin, The Beau. Phil The Fluther's Ball. Skibbereen. The Boys From County Cork. The Harp That Once. The Old Orange Flute. The Son Of A Gambolier. Then It's Irishmen, What Are You Doing. Dublin City. Felix The Soldier. McCaffery. Oh, Limerick Is Beautiful. The Regular Army, Oh. As I Was Going To Ballynure. Eileen Oge. Green Grows The Laurel. Join The British Army. Missus Mcgrath. Norah O'neale. The Minstrel Boy. Erin Go Bragh. Molly Brannigan. The Girl I Left Behind Me. A Rich Irish Lady. Michael Roy Of Brooklyn City. No Irish Wanted Here. She Moved Through The Fair. The Easter Rebellion. The Irish Girl. The Jug Of Punch. Clare's Dragoons. Kevin Barry. Roddy Mccorley. Sambo's Right To Be Kilt. The Flying Cloud. The Shan Van Vocht. The Bold Fenian Men. The Irish Free State. The Old Turf Fire. The Tanyard Side. Whisky, You're The Devil. Brennan On The Moor. Down by the Sally Gardens. I'm A Roaring Repeater. Kelly, The Boy From Killann. The County Of Mayo. The Men Of The West. The Next Market Day. The Wearing Of The Green. Tipperary Recruiting Song. Shule Agra. The Hounds Of Filemore. The Seven Irishmen.Übersetzung
Songs of Ireland von Jerry Silverman zusammen. Für Sprach. Square geheftete, Songbook. Keltisch. Irisch. Mehrere Levels. Buch. 112 Seiten. Veröffentlicht von Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.94395. ISBN 9781562221133. Keltisch. Irisch. 8,75 x 11,75 cm. Über 100 klassische irische Lieder in drei Kategorien. Thro 'Taras Hallen, All in Americay, und The Troubles. Diese Lieder Chronik den Kampf und Reisen des irischen und irisch-amerikanischen Geschichte. Von den polierten Linien der Moore und Yeats, der ausgelassene Reime von Percy Französisch, zu der qualvollen Schrei der Frau beim Anblick ihrer verkrüppelten Mann aus dem Krieg zurück, die aus Bendemeer Stream Brooklyn Stadt. all die guten Zeiten und schlechte Zeiten dazwischen werden in diesen Liedern dargestellt. Fügen historischen Informationen, Klavier, Gesang und Gitarren-Akkorde. Dick Darby. Batchelor Walk. Bold Robert Emmet. Finnegans Wake. Von Erin Shores. Die Dingle Puck Ziege. Tigaree Torum Orum. Will You Go, Lassie, Go. Herzmuscheln und Miesmuscheln. Drill, Ye Tarriers, Bohrer. Echt Old Mountain Dew. Seit ich in der Armee waren. Der Bold Schwarzes und TAN. Die Bowld Soger Boy. Die Croppy Boy. Die Fenian Man O'War. Der Stern von County Down. Hohe Selbstvorlage. I Know My Love. Irish Astronomie. Kilgary Berg. Keiner kann die Liebe wie ein Ire. O'Reilly Vorbei To Hell. Das Cork Leg. Die Iren Brief. The Rising Of The Moon. Wir haben von der gleichen Kantine Drunk. Wo das Gras wächst Grün. Abdullah Bulbul Ameer. Across The Western Ocean. Father Murphy. John Riley. Mountains Of Mourne. Pat Murphy Of The Irish Brigade. Der Bold Mieter Farmer. Die Fenians Von Cahirciveen. Der Kerry Recruit. Die Lowlands Of Holland. Fillimiooriay. Morrissey und der russischen Seemann. Keine irischen müssen zutreffen. Die Praties, sie wachsen Kleine. Bendemeer der Stream-. O'Donnell Abu. The Bonny Bunch Of Roses. Die Cork Männer und New York Männer. Der Patriot Mutter. Die Sons Of Liberty. John Mitchel. Johnny, ich wusste kaum, Sie. Old Rosin, Das Beau. Phil der Fluther Ball. Skibbereen. Die Boys From County Cork. Die Harfe, die einmal. Die orange Flöte. Der Sohn eines Gambolier. Dann ist es Iren, Was tun Sie. Dublin City. Felix The Soldier. McCaffery. Oh, Limerick ist schön. Die reguläre Armee, Oh. Als ich im Begriff war, Ballynure. Eileen Oge. Grün wächst der Lorbeer. Schließen Sie sich der britischen Armee. Missus Mcgrath. Norah O'Neale. The Minstrel Boy. Erin Go Bragh. Molly Brannigan. The Girl I Left Behind Me. Eine reiche irische Dame. Michael Roy Of Brooklyn Stadt. Kein Irish Gesucht Hier. Sie Moved Through The Fair. Der Osteraufstand. Die Irish Girl. Der Krug Punsch. Clare Dragoner. Kevin Barry. Roddy McCorley. Sambo, Right To Be Kilt. Die Flying Cloud. Die Shan Van Vocht. Der Bold Fenian Männer. Der irische Freistaat. Der alte Rasen Feuer. Die Tanyard Side. Whisky, Du bist der Teufel. Brennan auf dem Moor. Down by the Sally Gardens. Ich bin ein Repeater Roaring. Kelly, The Boy From Killann. Die Grafschaft Mayo. Die Männer des Westens. The Next Market Day. Das Tragen der grünen. Recruiting Tipperary-Lied. Schul Agra. Das Hounds Of Filemore. Die sieben Iren.Häufige Anfragen
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