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The Backpacker's Songbook. Jerry Silverman. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music. Flatpicking Guitar sheet music. Beginning.


Die Backpacker Liederbuch. Jerry Silverman. Akustikgitarre Noten. Fingerpicking-Gitarre Noten. Flatpicking Gitarre Noten. Beginn.

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The Backpacker's Songbook composed by Jerry Silverman. For Guitar. Flatpicking & Fingerpicking. Squareback saddle-stitched, SongBook. Folk. Beginning-Intermediate. Book. 128 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.95632. ISBN 9780786613748. Folk. 5.5 x 8 inches. This compact book presents 130 songs in a convenient 5 1. 2 inches by 8 inch format. All selections are written in leadsheet format for voice with complete lyrics, guitar chords and harmonica tablature. Ideal for the trail or campfire singing, take it along on your next hike or camping trip. Written in the guitar- friendly keys of C, G, D, A, E major and A, D, and E minor. Songs include A Tisket, a Tasket. All the Pretty Little Horses. Arkansas Traveler. Aunt Rhody. Bury Me Beneath the Willow. Clementine. Cripple Creek. I've Been Working on the Railroad. Oh Susanna. Pop Goes the Weasel. and many more. Ah, Poor Bird. Barb'ry Ellen. Don't Sing Love Songs. Down by the Sally Gardens. Hard, Ain't It Hard. Hey Ho, Nobody Home. I Know You, Rider. Oleanna. Salty Dog. Who's Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Foot. Another Man Done Gone. Been In The Pen So Long. Everybody Loves Saturday Night. Fillimiooriay. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. Mountain Dew. The Keeper. The Water Is Wide. Alberta, Let Your Hair Hang Low. Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill. East Colorado Blues. Foggy Mountain Top. Goin' Across The Mountain. Grey Goose. Lily Of The West. Railroad Bill. Rake And Rambling Boy. Take Your Fingers Off It. The Foggy, Foggy Dew. This Old Man. All The Pretty Little Horses. Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms. Darling Cory. Deep Blue Sea. Joe Turner. Malaguena Salerosa. St. James Infirmary. The Boll Weevil. The Wreck of the Old 97. Blow The Candles Out. Buffalo Gals. Delia. Hey Lolly, Lolly. Hurree Hurroo. New River Train. Plaisir D' Amour. Sweet Betsy From Pike. The Wabash Cannonball. The Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies. Aunt Rhody. Billy Boy. Frankie and Johnny. Maple Leaf Rag. Number Twelve Train. The Ox-Driving Song. Waltzing Matilda. What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor. Come, All Ye Fair And Tender Ladies. Jennie Jenkins. Nine Hundred Miles. Old Aunt Kate. The Blues Ain't Nothin'. The Midnight Special. The Streets Of Laredo. Wanderin'. A Tisket, A Tasket. All My Trails. Betty And Dupree. Cindy. Clementine. House Of The Rising Sun. Lord Randall. Red River Valley. Sportin' Life Blues. Talking Blues. When The Saints Go Marching In. Abilene. Deep River Blues. Don't Let Your Deal Go Down. How Should I Your True Love Know. John Riley. Johnny, I Hardly Knew You. Pick A Bale Of Cotton. Poor Howard. Alabama Bound. Backwater Blues. Cumberland Gap. Darlin'. Greensleeves. Oh, Sinner Man. Plaisir d'Amour. Amazing Grace. Arkansas Traveler. Cripple Creek. E-Ri-E Canal. I'll Give My Love An Apple. Jesse James. John B. John Hardy. Listen To The Mockingbird. Oh, Susanna. The Cruel War. Wildwood Flower. Bill Groggin's Goat. Brown's Ferry Blues. Hesitation Blues. Kumbaya. Pay Me My Money Down. Scarborough Fair. The Gal I Left Behind Me. Boatman Dance. Cockles And Mussels. Molly Malone. John Henry. Mrs. Murphy's Chowder. Mule Skinner Blues. Things About Comin' My Way. Wheel of Fortune. Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues. Worried Man Blues. Abdullah Bulbul Amir. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. Chilly Winds. Crawdad. Easy Rider. Freight Train. Guantanamera. Jelly Roll Blues. Moscow Nights. Pay Day At Coal Creek. She Moved Through The Fair. Willie The Weeper. He's Gone Away. I'm Sad And I'm Lonely. I've Been Working On The Railroad. Pop, Goes the Weasel. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. Take This Hammer. Careless Love. Gently, Johnny, My Jingalo. Shenandoah.


Das Backpacker Liederbuch von Jerry Silverman zusammen. Für Gitarre. Flatpicking. Square geheftete, Songbook. Leute. Ab-Intermediate. Buch. 128 Seiten. Veröffentlicht von Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.95632. ISBN 9780786613748. Leute. 5,5 x 8 Zoll. Dieses kompakte Buch stellt 130 Songs in einer günstigen 5 1. 2 Zoll von 8-Zoll-Format. Alle Selektionen werden in Leadsheet-Format für Stimme mit vollständigen Texten, Gitarrenakkorden und Mundharmonika Tabulatur geschrieben. Ideal für den Weg oder am Lagerfeuer singen, nehmen Sie sie mit auf Ihrer nächsten Wanderung oder Camping-Ausflug. Geschrieben in der Gitarrenfreundliche Tonarten C, G, D, A, E-Dur und A, D und E minor. Songs umfassen A Tisket, eine Tasket. Alle Pretty Little Horses. Arkansas Traveler. Tante Rhody. Bury Me Beneath the Willow. Clementine. Cripple Creek. Ich habe gearbeitet, auf der Eisenbahn. Oh Susanna. Pop Goes The Weasel. und viele mehr. Ach, arme Vogel. Barb'ry Ellen. Singen Sie nicht, Love Songs. Down by the Sally Gardens. Hard, Ist es nicht schwer. Hey Ho, Nobody Home. Ich weiß, Sie, Reiter. Oleanna. Salty Dog. Wer wird Ihr Schuh Pretty Little Fuß. Another Man Done Vorbei. Sie waren bereits im Pen So Long. Everybody Loves Saturday Night. Fillimiooriay. Michael, Row The Boat Ashore. Mountain Dew. The Keeper. The Water Is Weit. Alberta, Let Your Hair Hang Low. Drill, Ye Tarriers, Bohrer. Colorado East Blues. Foggy Mountain Top. Goin 'über den Berg. Grey Goose. Lily Of The West. Railroad Bill. Rechen und Rambling Boy. Nehmen Sie Ihre Finger weg von ihm. The Foggy, Foggy Dew. This Old Man. All The Pretty Little Horses. Glauben Sie mir, wenn alle diese liebenswerte Junge-Charme. Liebling Cory. Deep Blue Sea. Joe Turner. Malaguena Salerosa. St. James Infirmary. Das Boll Weevil. Das Wrack der Old 97. Blasen die Kerzen Out. Buffalo Gals. Delia. Hey Lolly, Lolly. Hurree Hurroo. New River Zug. Plaisir D'Amour. Süße Betsy Von Pike. Die Wabash Cannonball. Die Wraggle-Taggle Gypsies. Tante Rhody. Billy Boy. Frankie und Johnny. Maple Leaf Rag. Number Twelve Zug. Das Ox-Driving-Lied. Waltzing Matilda. Was sollen wir mit The Drunken Sailor. Komm, All Ye Fair And Ausschreibungs Damen. Jennie Jenkins. Nine Hundred Miles. Alte Tante Kate. Der Blues ist nicht Nothin '. The Midnight Special. Die Straßen von Laredo. Wanderin '. A Tisket, A Tasket. Alle meine Trails. Betty And Dupree. Cindy. Clementine. House Of The Rising Sun. Herr Randall. Red River Valley. Sportin 'Leben Blues. Apropos Blues. Wenn Saints Go Marching Die In. Abilene. Deep River Blues. Lassen Sie Ihre Deal Nach unten. Wie sollte ich wissen, Your True Love. John Riley. Johnny, ich wusste kaum, Sie. Pick A Bale Of Cotton. Schlechte Howard. Alabama Bound. Backwater Blues. Cumberland Gap. Darlin '. Greensleeves. Oh, Sinner Man. Plaisir d'Amour. Amazing Grace. Arkansas Traveler. Cripple Creek. E-Ri-E Canal. Ich werde meine Liebe Ein Apple Give. Jesse James. John B. John Hardy. Listen To The Mockingbird. Oh, Susanna. Der grausame Krieg. Wildblumen. Bill Groggin Ziege. Browns Ferry Blues. Zögern Blues. Kumbaya. Pay Me My Money Down. Scarborough Fair. Die Gal ich Left Behind Me. Boatman Tanz. Herzmuscheln und Miesmuscheln. Molly Malone. John Henry. Mrs. Murphy Chowder. Mule Skinner Blues. Dinge über Comin 'My Way. Wheel of Fortune. Winnsboro Baumwollspinnerei Blues. Worried Man Blues. Abdullah Bulbul Amir. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. Chilly Winds. Crawdad. Easy Rider. Güterzug. Guantanamera. Jelly Roll Blues. Moskauer Nächte. Pay Day At Coal Creek. Sie Moved Through The Fair. Willie The Weeper. Er Gone Away. Ich bin traurig und ich bin einsam. Ich habe gearbeitet, über die Eisenbahn. Pop Goes The Weasel. Manchmal fühle ich mich wie ein Kind ohne Mutter. Take This Hammer. Careless Love. Sanft, Johnny, My Jingalo. Shenandoah.