
Noten $5.50

Im Original

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra. William Schuman. Bass Clarinet sheet music. C Trumpet sheet music. English Horn sheet music. Piccolo sheet music. Violin Solo sheet music.


Konzert für Violine und Orchester. William Schuman. Bass Klarinette Noten. C-Trompete Noten. Englisch-Horn Noten. Piccolo Noten. Violin Solo Noten.

Im Original

Concerto for Violin and Orchestra. For Violin and Orchestra. Composed by William Schuman. 1910-1992. Orchestra. For Flute I, Flute II, Flute III, Piccolo, Oboe I, Oboe II, English Horn, Clarinet I, Clarinet II, Clarinet III, Bass Clarinet, Bassoon I, Bassoon II, Contra Bassoon, Horn I, Horn II, Horn III, Horn IV, Trumpet in C I, Trumpet in C II, Trumpet in C III, Tenor. 18304. Full score. study. Standard notation. Composed AUGUST 9 1959. 110 pages. Duration 26 minutes. Theodore Presser Company #446-41002. Published by Theodore Presser Company. PR.446410020. With Standard notation.


Konzert für Violine und Orchester. Für Violine und Orchester. Komponiert von William Schuman. 1910-1992. Orchester. Für Flöte I, II Flöte, Flöte III, Piccolo, Oboe I, II Oboe, Englisch Horn, Klarinette I, II Klarinette, Klarinette III, Bassklarinette, Fagott I, II Fagott, Kontrafagott, Horn I, II Horn, Horn III , Horn IV, Trompete in CI, Trompete in C II, Trompete in C III, Tenor. 18304. Partitur. Studie. Standard-Notation. Bestehend 9. August 1959. 110 Seiten. Dauer 26 Minuten. Theodore Presser Company # 446-41.002. Veröffentlicht von Theodore Presser Company. PR.446410020. Bei Standard-Notation.