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Music Medals Bronze - Recorder. Ensemble Pieces. Recorder sheet music.Übersetzung
Musik Medaillen Bronze - Recorder. Pieces Together. Blockflöte Noten.Im Original
Music Medals Bronze - Recorder. Ensemble Pieces. recorder Ensemble. For 2-4 Recorders. ABRSM Music Medals. Level. Bronze. Score. Published by ABRSM. Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. PE.9781860966033. ISBN 9781860966033. Music Medals Recorder Ensemble are five volumes of enjoyable and accessible repertoire. Each volume contains original pieces and imaginative arrangements for duets trios and quartets. Excellent material for mixed-ability groups as well as being an exciting resource for the individual musician with fun pieces and arrangements in various styles. Ideal group-teaching material for the developing ensemble with all pieces selected for the Associated Boards Music Medals. Just Teasing. One Sunny Morning. Up and Down the Stairs. The Chinese Dragon Dreams. Lunar Seascape. Golden Leaves. Butterflies. Just Thinking. Lazy Afternoon. Trot To The Town On A Pinto Pony. The Pendulum Swings. Medieval Medley. Scotch Mist. Trotting Along. Running For The Bus. Hoedown. Copycats. The Tyrolean Trolls Trip To Timbuktu. Green Flag. Gavotte.Übersetzung
Musik Medaillen Bronze - Recorder. Pieces Together. Recorder Ensemble. Für 2-4 Blockflöten. ABRSM Musik Medaillen. Ebene. Bronze. Partitur. Veröffentlicht von ABRSM. Associated Board der Royal Schools of Music. PE.9781860966033. ISBN 9781860966033. Musik Medaillen Recorder Ensemble sind fünf Bände angenehm und zugänglich Repertoire. Jeder Band enthält Originalstücke und phantasievollen Arrangements für Duette Trios und Quartette. Ausgezeichnetes Material für Mixed-Leistungsgruppen als auch als eine spannende Ressource für die einzelnen Musiker mit Spaß Stücke und Arrangements in verschiedenen Stilen. Ideal Gruppe-Lehrmaterial für die Entwicklungs Ensemble mit allen Stücken für den assoziierten Boards Musik Medaillen ausgewählt. Just Teasing. One Sunny Morning. Up and Down the Stairs. The Chinese Dragon Dreams. Lunar Seascape. Goldene Blätter. Schmetterlinge. Just Thinking. Lazy Afternoon. Trot To The Town On A Pinto Pony. The Pendulum Swings. Medieval Medley. Scotch Mist. Trotting Along. Running For The Bus. Hoedown. Copycats. The Tyrolean Trolls Trip To Timbuktu. Green Flag. Gavotte.Häufige Anfragen
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