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Three Coins In the Fountain by Frank Sinatra. - Digital Sheet Music. from Three Coins in the Fountain.Übersetzung
Drei Münzen im Brunnen von Frank Sinatra. - Digitale Noten. von Drei Münzen im Brunnen.Im Original
Leadsheet. Lyrics. Melody. Chords. Voice, range. C4-F5. C Instrument. MN0143294. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Three Coins In the Fountain. Frank Sinatra. Eb Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Three coins in the fountain, each one seeking happiness, thrown by three hopeful lovers, which one will the fountain bless. Song. Moderately. q 80. Jazz. Movie. TV. Standards. Traditional Pop. Soundtrack. Vocal Pop. Jule Styne. Sammy Cahn. 1954. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.. Three Coins in the Fountain. Movie Music - Paperback Songs Series. View All.Übersetzung
Leadsheet. Text. Melodie. Chords. Voice Bereich. C4-F5. C-Instrument. MN0143294. Enthält den vollständigen Texten. Kompatibel. Drei Münzen im Brunnen. Frank Sinatra. Es-Dur. Musicnotes Was ist das. Musicnotes Datei. Sofort druckbare digitalen Noten und eine PC-kompatible interaktive, herunterladbare Notendatei. Drei Münzen im Brunnen, jede Suche nach dem Glück, nach drei hoffnungsvolle Liebhaber geworfen, die man der Brunnen segnen wird. Song. Mäßig. q 80. Jazz. Film. Fernseher. Standards. Traditionelle Pop. Tonspur. Vocal Pop. Jule Styne. Sammy Cahn. 1954. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.. Three Coins in the Fountain. Film Musik - Paperback Songs Series. Alle anzeigen.Häufige Anfragen
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