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Im Original

Sun Daze by Florida Georgia Line. - Digital Sheet Music.


Sun Daze von Florida Georgia Line. - Digitale Noten.

Im Original

Piano. Vocal. Chords. Singer Pro. Voice, range. D4-F5. Backup Vocals. MN0140602_U1. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Sun Daze. Florida Georgia Line. F Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. I'm gonna wear my flipflops and I'm gonna play some flip cup and rock a little bit of hiphop and Haggard and Jagger, and throw a twenty on the cornhole game. E Major. Song. Moderately, in 2. h 85. Country. Country-Pop. Country-Rock. Contemporary Country. Brian Kelley. Tyler Reed Hubbard. Sarah Buxton. Jesse Frasure. Cary Barlowe. 2014. Big Loud Bucks. Florida Georgia Line - Anything Goes. View All.


Plan. Vokal. Chords. Sänger Pro. Voice Bereich. D4-F5. Backup-Vocals. MN0140602_U1. Enthält den vollständigen Texten. Kompatibel. Sun Daze. Florida Georgia Linie. F-Dur. Musicnotes Was ist das. Musicnotes Datei. Sofort druckbare digitalen Noten und eine PC-kompatible interaktive, herunterladbare Notendatei. Ich werde meine Flipflops tragen und ich werde spielen einige Schlagschale und Rock ein wenig HipHop und Haggard und Jagger, und werfen einen zwanzig am cornhole Spiel. E-Dur. Song. Mäßig, in 2. h 85. Land. Land-Pop. Country-Rock. Contemporary Country. Brian Kelley. Tyler Reed Hubbard. Sarah Buxton. Jesse Frasure. Cary Barlowe. 2014. Big Lauter Bucks. Florida Georgia Line - Anything Goes. Alle anzeigen.