we won't go near those cemeteries) youngblods youngbloods youngbloods just keep on screaming this life is for the keeping this song is for the dreamers youngbloods youngbloods youngbloods
Übersetzung: Die Amity Affliction. Youngbloods.
i know that you've been searching for me elsewhere in the cracks beneath your feet and in the spaces between walls in the dark wells of the mirror (in
why are we even breathing? if the only reason to exist (is to stare skyward and put my hands together) then why am i even here? to serve a myth (and
(i've been trying to find the space and time to let them know just what it's like to be feeling so alone) to be feeling so alone (i know you stayed there
i've been staring for weeks (at the cold rusted sheets) and the broken down pillars (of the years that have passed by) at the cold depths of rivers (
Seems life forever, like forever since i tore myself apart and left my friends in the wake of countless tears and fading life. when i couldn't seem to
i know i stood there, singing to you please don't ever feel alone and please don't dream of never heading home but truth be told i've struggled just
its never easy to face yourself everyday through the fog of shrouded memories its never easy to face your past everyday through the haze of the aftermath
when your aspirations crumble at the feet of your tormentors and your jaw feels like its breaking on the cold hard tile floor and you're holding onto
memories we won't go near those cemeteries) youngblods youngbloods youngbloods just keep on screaming this life is for the keeping this song is for the dreamers youngbloods youngbloods youngbloods
I have so many anchors so many, so many (so many anchors) far too many to be sailing on these seas (they're pulling me under and i just want to be freed