Slaves Hebrews born to serve, to the pharaoh Heed To his every word, live in fear Faith Of the unknown one, the deliverer Wait Something must be done
Placed above the Stars for Infinity on a Throne of purest Gold I will breed a Child mightier than all Kings of the Earth Ashera give Birth to Him My
And the Pharaoh said unto Him: "Get Thee from me... see my Face no more! For in that Day Thou seest my Face again Thou shalt die!"
Satanic Bible In this arid Wilderness of Steel and Stone I raise up my Voice that you may hear. To the East and to the West I beckon. To the North and
I am the Serpent that brought Knowledge to Mankind The Fountain of Thy conscious Divinity Deepest Temptation of all Times granted these Fruits of Wisdom
"Who loves the Truth hates God!" Thus whispered to me Powers, in Darkness bound and fed by Sin Gloria in Profunditas Whilst I rode on Diamond Wings
Trapped in this Wood full of Fog Raven leads me away arriving at the abandoned Place, an Altar, wonderful Ornaments Flowers of all Colours and Beauties