: Also hat sie sich befreit, aus den Handen ihres Peinigers, hat sie sich befreit, nach den Schlagen und den Schrein, hat sie sich befreit, aus dem Wurgegriff
Also hat sie sich befreit, aus den Handen ihres Peinigers, hat sie sich befreit, nach den Schlagen und den Schrein, hat sie sich befreit, aus dem Wurgegriff
: No more lies with violent ends, No more fakes disguised as friends, No one has the time to waste on them!!! I want you to know, something that I feel
: Liberate your mind You motherfucker, you're so narrow-minded So narrow-minded Liberate your mind Now motherfucker, will you liberate your mind This
: Shadow Soldier Silent Predator Take down the master Take down the throne Bring them their heads Send a message to the world Sinister Warrior Faceless
: (D. Patton) Been a slave most all my life So's my kids, and so's my wife I've been working on the Colonel's farm Ain't been mistreated, ain't done
: Te vi salir cuando yo entraba al jardin de los imposibles. Estabas alli, pero tu mente volaba a miles de km de mi. La orquesta tocaba Moon River y
: Liberate - My madness (One of me, all of you) Liberate - My madness I just want to... Section off myself Put a wall up/What the hell have I done Keep
: None remain who know the pain You have to face alone today And so you ask yourself and bleed Is this how I can be set free? Reach back, call to you
Been a slave most all my life So's my kids and so's my wife I've been working on the Colonel's farm Ain't been mistreated, ain't done no harm I'll be
She's a liberated lady and she's looking out for herself And she don't need your protection and she does not want your help And if you're lookin' for
No more lies with violent ends No more fakes disguised as friends No one has the time to waste on them I want you to know It's something that I feel
It's so hard to understand you've already made you plan i could see it in your eyes the story that you told was so harmful and so cold there's no
Entre miseria, hambre y desolacii??n, en el fango alguien planti?? una flor un tal Boli??var, le dicen El Libertador, El Libertador Gritos de justicia
Bold motherfucker Don't you limit your mind Liberate your mind You motherfucker, you're so narrow minded So narrow minded So, liberate your mind You