Ich start den wagen und versinke tief in meiner welt Ich mag das rasen und ich bin der chief den keiner halt Immer schneller gib mir km/h ich lebe das Benzin
per te per lei per voi, lo faccio per te per lei per voi, ma non per me; per te per lei per voi.. per tutti noi. Chorus Benzina per durare poco
: Hey sugar, Hey sugar, Hey sugar, Sugar Just to watch you sleep. Just to hear you speak. Just to hear you. Stay. Everything you say. You know it gives
: Work hard towards nothing A garden growing hurt Fresh wheels but no body A truck that just won't work Dead leaves burn as easily as gasoline does
: If you insult me in a book And I don't know whom I'm friends of I drop a name 'bout every hour And when I lie about everything I don't think anyone
: Sen gelmeden once her yer karanl?k Dunya ?ss?z dunya durgundu bilmem nicin Her yerde arad?m tatl? bir ?s?k Bir ates bul gonlumu ?s?tmak icin Sen gelince
: Ich sitz an der kasse, kassiere fur benzin bin gelangweilt von mir und das sehr beim gluck durften sich nur die andern bedienen mein leben ist trostlos
Mon amour helas Petite princesse C'est pas l'heure de la grand-messe Charmante hotesse Qu'as-tu fait de ta jeunesse ? Dans la Merco Benz C'est de l'espoir
the twilight fills the air You can see the snow on the mountaintops Through the veil of old Japan?. Through the veil of old Japan will appear our Benzai
: Sex and violence has lost it's charm I need something to amuse War is boring, it's not enough I need a shock down to my shoes Pedophile lust, tortured
: Oh, Oh ,yeah.. You're so bright Like a dream You burn up Everything We might, make a scene Ignite gasoline When the music goes up And the sun goes
: I hear the guitars ringin' out Ringin' out down Union Street I hear the lead singer shoutin' out, girl I wanna be a slave to the beat Yeah, tonight
: Su questa stupida autostrada del sole come era logico aspettarsi piove e con la pioggia l'automobile sbanda, una vocina dentro dice rallenta 90, 80
: Caravan petrol caravan petrol caravan petrol caravan petrol m'agg affittat nu cammell m'agg accattat nu turbant nu turbante a' rinascente cu pernacchio
: Le ruote in mezzo al fango le strade un po distorte lui si nasconde invano nel grembo della notte si stringe nelle mani corre corre piu che puo scompare
: Na borusa sta sinefa na 'ha ego venzinadiko sto keno na kinthineva gia t' asteri mu to adiko I kardies paliosidera s' ena soma katadiko Ferte mu potiria
: Haftbefehl: Was ist los Man? Hast du irgendein Problem Man dann ruf an, komm ran nach Oldtown! Das sind Flows Man! Haftbefehl Ich bin brutal, schlag
: Dans les orchestr' militaires Y a pas d'cordes, y a pas d'cordes, Dans les orchestr' militaires Notre mandoline est morte... Y a que des cuivres pour