: Imputato ascolta, noi ti abbiamo ascoltato. Tu non sapevi di avere una coscienza al fosforo piantata tra l'aorta e l'intenzione, noi ti abbiamo
: It never really mattered too much to me That you were just too damn cold for me All that really mattered was you were my girlfriend And baby, that'
: Vos no confiaste y te fuiste del pais a buscar un futuro inmediato y mucho mejor. Hace un aa±o y medio ya que estas viviendo en Madrid
: Can I Get Your Number Babe Can I Get Your Number Cuz I Think That Maybe You'll Be Mine Can I Get Your Number [Verse 1:] Peepin You Girl Since Day
: Wambo Number Drei Wambo Number Drei Wambo Number Drei Wambo Number Drei [vers1] (Keule) Ich sag gib mir den Beat und ahhm ich mach ihn wieder aus (
: (feat. Candy Hill) [Tupac:] (What's Ya Phone Numba?) Now I Can Make Music For Ya Tempo It's Just A Mental Written For The Nymphos That's A Intro
: [Chorus] Age ain't nothing but a number, throwing down ain't nothing but a thang, This something I have for you it'll never change [repeat twice] [
: Addormentato prese l'ultimo caffe guardando lei disse adesso vai fuori la luna stava ormai dicendo si ma il lungo telo si svegliava gia. Huuuu Dimmi
: Du und deine Kindercrew, ihr steht zu weit im Hintergrund strengt euch an ihr Bitches denn ich komm und fick den Untergrund versucht mich nur zu dissen
: (feat. Sido) Seit dem ich denken kann, wollt ich ein guter Mensch sein, so das mich die Leute mich gut leiden konnen und nichts so fremd bleiben.
: I'm serenaded by a chorus of a thousand burning cigarettes You've been taking chances, mama While I've been placing bets So tell it to the ashes, they
: (Instrumental)
: En d'r Kayjass Nummero Null steit en steinahl Schull Un do hammer dren studiert. Unsere Lehrer, da heess Welsch, sproch e unverfalschtes Kolsch Un
: 92 iro 92-92 i (x 5) 9-9-9i Tu t'crois au-dessus mais t'es en-dessous 92 i t'a decu, ils ont plus de sous Bi-bi billets, billets, billets, billets
: Que des Numeros 10 dans ma team negro J'attends pas qu' ca tombe du ciel, si t'es pas N°10 a Paname t'es la banane du siecle! la ou j'opere nombreuses
: (Mathryn - R.Fulton) Am I fool number one or am I fool number two How many other girls have been fooled by you I suppose that the number is far from
: clue number one was when you knocked on my door clue number two was the look that you wore n' that's when i knew, it was a pretty good sign that something
: Ay mi ask Who's calling me from ah unknown number Wi nuh answer nuh unknown number Nah pick it up if it's a private call Gangster nuh answa nuh private