: The feeble leafs decline, Enshrined in downing deep The mourn abandoned plains, Laid down in sombre sleep Misty shades engulf the sky Like past, worn
: Eil mein gramgebeugt Klagelied Klim empor entiflieh der Brust die dich gebo ren. Am Cage wohlverwahrt Dem Craumer offenbart Ward deinem Klang, des
: Many a weary night endured Since the utter charm of joy has pured My unquiet dreams, my misery How sweat if I could share with thee Unable to endure
: Sengi amoris A mere passions fraud disgraced and to disgrace, In pacis quentis, With bewitched charm seduced my every days Begone my burdened past
: [Instrumental]
: The Dawn arose, the slumbers shadows have passed The autumnal grace which so kindly has cast It's sombre yet gracious delight on my grief Enshrouded
: The leafs and I entangled dance a harmonie I dare not stain with vain delight And thus embraced we roam the passing eve like a pillgrim who craves
: Unveil yours eyes, see the special moon gone Leaving not a single ray of joy to rest upon Feast on those that crave thy kiss with a ghastly wail Behold
: Wandering restless through the hillside on a cold December day, my solitary journey guided only by the pilgrims high in the sky. Fog invades the lands
: [instrumental with lute]
: Aumquam orem dulcem obliviscor de ea somniare non cassavi. Sed quod pulchrior et desiderandios illa somnia sunt ea major tristia mea cum expergiscor
: As the stars like ludicrous fauns, Join the grim reapers dionystic glance We step forward together with the pale withered spring And join the pipings
: [instrumental]
The feeble leafs decline, Enshrined in downing deep The mourn abandoned plains, Laid down in sombre sleep Misty shades engulf the sky Like past, worn
Eil mein gramgebeugt Klagelied Klim empor entiflieh der Brust die dich gebo ren. Am Cage wohlverwahrt Dem Craumer offenbart Ward deinem Klang, des Herzens
The leafs and I entangled dance a harmonie I dare not stain with vain delight And thus embraced we roam the passing eve like a pillgrim who craves a
Many a weary night endured Since the utter charm of joy has pured My unquiet dreams, my misery How sweat if I could share with thee Unable to endure it