All things come in threes Good, bad, in between You can chance on beating the odds But luck goes sight unseen Round and round, up and down Only in until
Jet-lag limbo, can't decide Like molten rock, I turn to stone Take me outside myself Do it nice and slow Somewhere beyond the great unknown Get ready
eins... zwei... drei... vier... Los ninos en el parque son muy afortunados van paseando, y suenan caramelos a besos y dinero Los ninos y las ninas
All is quiet Nothing left to hate No signs of life to practice what you preach Sorry comes too late Play a little game called blind man's bluff Add a
Mensch oder Schwein Sieg oder Tod Friss? doch die Wurst Ohne das Brot Erst geschah Uns Unrecht Dann geschah?s Uns recht Erinnere Dich In stiller Andacht
What's so hard to understand? Which part did you not get? What exactly floats your boat? Who do you abet? Clinging to the status quo Dispute state of
road, one fist on the wheel All maximum throttle, full pedal to the steel Pearl for swine, the rock, the gem Unadulterated, understated, love or hate it - KMFDM
is cast Ex nihilo Alea iacta est Tohuvabohu Tohuvabohu Audeamus Res ipsa loquitur Tohuvabohu Tohuvabohu Ex nihilo Non omnis moriar Tohuvabohu Tohuvabohu Audeamus Non omnis moriar Tohuvabohu Tohuvabohu
Fatally beautiful and twisted Couldn't help be drawn in Fearlessly, bold determination Only trouble you have been Carry murder in your heart Like poetry
Intimal, obsolete I overslept, arrived too late If nothing is as nothing does I guess my time has come Weather underground is overcast and chilly Then
You think you?re better, two steps ahead You got a long, long way to go Shut that hole up in your face With your foot in mouth, do more harm than good
to none You never know what you've got You never know, until its gone Ex nihilo Alea iacta est Audeamus Res ispa Ioquitur Non omnis moriar Tohuvabohu
Übersetzung: KMFDM. Tohuvabohu.
Fatally Beautiful and twisted, couldn't help be drawn in Fearlessly, bold determination Only trouble you have been Carry murder in your heart Like poetry
You think you're better, two steps ahead You got a long, long way to go Shut that hole up in your face With your foot in mouth, do more harm than good
Los ninos en el parque son muy afortunados van paseando, y suenan caramelos a besos y dinero Los ninos y las ninas Los ninos y las ninas van andando
Jetlag limbo can't decide Like molten rock I turn to stone Take me outside of myself Do it nice and slow Somewhere down here in the underbelly No words