: Ganz weit weg, da drau?en im Meer, rudert jemand mit seinen Armen. Sieht aus als ob er gerade ertrinkt, was konnen wir von hier aus tun? Wie kommt
: Standin? in a sea of teardrops. It?s getting deeper all the time. Standin? in a sea of teardrops and every day I feel it rise. For every bit of pain
: Watch as I wither away And fall into darkness Again... When will I break away... The chains to my dying heart? Falling to darkness will I fade away
mena ap to mialo mou, ap tin psixi, tha itan psema. Tora gelao opou vretho apelpismena mono kai mono gia na sou to poun esena. Oi meres tora moiazoune
I once was a dancer, I was young once like you Though I know I don't look it Jumped high as the sky Had fire in my eyes and legs like a stallion And
I feel like A drop in The ocean Just a ripple On expanding seas If the shoe fits I swear it I will wear it By this shining stiletto I do decree I'm half
Ganz weit weg, da drauA?en im Meer, rudert jemand mit seinen Armen. Sieht aus als ob er gerade ertrinkt, was kA¶nnen wir von hier aus tun? Wie kommt
I dreamed I rolled on the ocean floor In the sunken bones of a broken ship On the shadow line where whispers creep To the world above from the world beneath
Questions unfolding like books And their pages, they just keep on turning for me And I keep on asking why every question Will somehow relate back to me
Close my eyes, not to remember Every crime or time I fell Into the open arms of temptation, driving the nails How does your love remain so faithful, to
Wie etwas, an das man sich nicht erinnern kann Aber doch niemals vergisst -Ein toter Punkt in deinem Kopf- Immer, wenn du hinschaust schon verschwunden
Lester Sands has been working very hard Keeping up with what's gone down Lester Sands is really in touch With what is whose in town Lester Sands bores
Standin? in a sea of teardrops It?s getting deeper all the time Standin? in a sea of teardrops And every day I feel it rise For every bit of pain you
I got eyes in the back of my head and I see where you're going with this. I'm not surprised. You take me for a fool. Maybe you're right. If I was wiser
Ganz weit weg, da drau?en im Meer, rudert jemand mit seinen Armen. Sieht aus als ob er gerade ertrinkt, was konnen wir von hier aus tun? Wie kommt er
L'hai fatto mai l'amore in mezzo al mare e tra i delfini, le onde e le sirene Se tu sapessi come viene bene ? libera l'amore E l'hai fatto mai di
At the last minute everything was okay We bought our tickets, we were on our way It cost us six hundred and sixty-six Francs But that didn't mean anything