Last tango of the night Last song of love Sad melodies take flight Crying to the Heavens above Don't be afraid my dear You're safe with me I've made
the amateur camera captures her motion perfectly. as the strangle knot that she wears on her wrists. the trunk preserves the new scent of the princess
Thousands, no millions of hours We've been skirting around this whole subject Like children stuck in a museum. And i'm dry now. My mouth will not speak
Übersetzung: Linda Eder. Der letzte Tango.
Übersetzung: Nerina Balls. My Last Tango.
: (Instrumental)
the amateur camera captures her motion as perfectly as the strangle knot confine that she wears on her wrists. the trunk preserves the new car scent
the places I go Red is the colour of my bleeding heart Blue is my world and it fell apard Refrain: It's Paddys last, it's Paddys last It's Paddys last tango
di te Canta che canto con te solo e soltanto con te Amami come in quel mitico film Io sono Brando e tu sei la regina dell?ultimo tango
rotti ma ci sono eh se ci sono. Ultimo tango a Memphis c'e chi non va piu via pensi di avermi, pensi senza averne un'idea. Ultimo tango a Memphis c'e
and hide I see the way that you fooled her eyes I see the way that you ran inside You should have come to me Come It takes two to tango, and only one
muss dann keine Last mehr tragen wie ein amputiertes Bein, ich hab die Schlagkraft eines Popey?s wenn ich abkratze dann solls sein, Chak ich tanz den letzten Tango
on my fing' cost Jermaine a lot of dough, oh The fuck am I busting my brain for? Its just the way the game go, oh, it takes 2 to tango You call this
: (cover of Na Ying's) wo xiang qi ni miao shu meng xiang tian tang de yang zi shou zhi zhe yuan fang hua chu yi dong yi dong fang zi ni sha xiao
the curb but anyway Looks like a good game, the pigs ain't leavin so I'ma lay Nice play, just too bad it's your last Couple bundles of D, and 200 cash