on and move your body down Do the limbo dance Limbo cool, limbo fine Ev'rybody gets a chance Clap your hands it's party time Do the limbo dance Limbo cool, limbo
Limbo good Limbo fine Everybody gets a chanceC'mon and move your body downDo the limbo dance Limbo good Limbo fine Everybody gets a chance clap your hand it's party timeDo the limbo dance
(dance mix)
Übersetzung: Hasselhoff, David. Do The Limbo Dance.
Übersetzung: Hasselhoff, David. Limbo Dance.
Übersetzung: Type O Negative. Glass Walls Of Limbo (Dance Mix).
: (dance mix)
her so She'd made her own bed Now she'd have to lie in it And the time goes summertime slow And the world stops turning And they're dancing in limbo, limbo, limbo
so She'd made her own bed Now she'd have to lie in it, and the Time goes Summertime slow And the world stops turning And they're dancing in limbo, limbo, limbo
told her so She'd made her own bed Now she'd have to lie in it And the time goes summertime slow And the world stops turning And they're dancing in limbo, limbo, limbo
Übersetzung: MacColl, Kirsty. Dancing In Limbo.
eyes She's good to go She can satisfy my mind, body and soul Come and dance wiv me Come and dance wiv me Come and dance wiv me Come and dance wiv me
Miss riley had a dog She used to keep it in her backyard And when the dog began to bark All the neighbors began to shout Then came a stormy night Miss
she whirls Dancin' off the edge off the edge of the world Dancin' off the edge, the edge of the world, yeah Dancin' off the edge, the edge of my world Dancin
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