You'll see... Pera menora infano lia Misere mani Doven anore infane lia Misere manio Doven anore infane lia Misero omane Pera menora infane lia You'll see... Doven anore Misere
I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour But heaven knows I'm miserable now I was looking for a job, and then I found a job And heaven knows I'm miserable
re well away The dark nights are drawing in And your humour is as black as them I look at yours, you laugh at mine And "love" is just a miserable lie
: Stand up and make yourself heard. Stand up and make your voice heard. Don't give in to the fear. Don't give in to your fear. Don't give in. Never question
: (Time has passed. Suggest Marius convalescing, encouraged by Cosette who takes his arm as he walks with firmer step) COSETTE Every day You walk with
: [Young Cosette is working as a drudge in the Thenardier's inn at Montfermeil] [YOUNG COSETTE] There is a castle on a cloud, I like to go there in
: [1823, Montreuil-sur-Mer.] [Outside the factory owned by the Mayor,] [Monsieur Madeleine (Jean Valjean in disguise).] [THE POOR] At the end of the
: [Fantine is lying in a hospital bed, deliriously dreaming of her daughter Cosette] [FANTINE] Cosette, it's turned so cold Cosette, it's past your
: [Fantine is left alone, unemployed and destitute] [FANTINE] There was a time when men were kind When their voices were soft And their words inviting
: (Enjolras is addressing the revolutionaries) ENJOLRAS Here upon these stones We will build our barricade In the heart of the city We claim as our
: CHORUS Do you hear the people sing Lost in the valley of the night? It is the music of a people Who are climbing to the light. For the wretched of
: GAVROCHE Liar! Good evening, dear inspector Lovely evening, my dear. I know this man, my friends His name is Inspector Javert So don't believe a word
: (Javert walks the deserted streets until he comes to a bridge over the river Seine) JAVERT Who is this man? What sort of devil is he To have me caught
: (Thenardier is picking through the corpses in the sewers) THENARDIER Here's a hint of gold Stuck into a tooth Pardon me M'sieur You won't be needing
: (Cosette stands in her garden on Rue Plumet) COSETTE How strange This feeling that my life's begun at last This change, Can people really fall in
: [The docks. Sailors, whores and their customers, pimps, etc. Fantine wanders in] [SAILOR ONE] I smell women Smell 'em in the air Think I'll drop my
: VALJEAN One day more! Another day, another destiny. This never-ending road to Calvary; These men who seem to know my crime Will surely come a second
: [JAVERT] Valjean, at last, We see each other plain `M'sieur le Mayor,' You'll wear a different chain! [VALJEAN] Before you say another word, Javert