Se mi sveglio dal mio sogno prendo un treno seguo il vento faro un viaggio senza meta costruendo nuovi spazi senza specchi dentro a sguardi sara cosi
Quanti chilometri dista dal mio paese,dai nostri sogni,dal profondo suono che ho dentro..qesta paura annienta la dedizione,dal mio confine all'orizzonte
Troppi momenti sono gia persi in volo temo che non sia questa la mia direzione Fari nella notte la mia testa appesa a un alto albero come restare dispersi
ca donne le change Quarante ans ont passe Une vie a chanter Un jour elle le saura Les gens diront qu'elle a Un pere chanteur de rock Mais de ca elle s'en moque
: If it's laughing you need then it's laughing indeed And it's laughing at me yes it's laughing at me So I started to end the beginning to end Then
: Ik zit hier heel alleen aan een tafel Krijg geen letter op papier Veel te veel gevoel en weinig woorden Ik ben in gedachten ver van hier Twee
: She's pulling out the pin That lets her hair fall down She shakes her head and It goes tumbling Her smile was out of place So she swept it off her
: Welcoming you to cardboard city where I think they're laughing at you band Did you have a clue that it was pretty on the gritty bottom of a van? I'
: Non mi importa piu se di me riderai questi giorni vuoti finiranno per lei finiranno per lei yeh Ora so tu mi dirai Non la cercare lasciala andare
: Na?o sei se eu te amo pra sempre ou Pra nunca mais Se o futuro e em frente ou ja? Ficou pra tra?s Sera? que o meu amor e o que basta Pra nos salvar
Well, how can I be like any guy? Why do they have to make me run? What do they care about The clothes that I wear? What do they get from making fun?
If it's laughing you need Then it's laughing indeed And it's laughing at me Yes, it's laughing at me So I started to end The beginning to end Then I
Long ago when he was Young and restless Suddenly, daddy saw The beckoning finger of fate Don't make fun of daddy's voice Because he can't help it When