within every cry you can see them, hear them; round and round we march in mystic rite, hear the sound of trumpets through the night, O hear our cry to
's a girl's night out Honey, there ain't no doubt I'm gonna dance every dance 'til the boys go home Well, it's my night to rock No watchin' that ol
o Felix o Harry o Jumps o Ollie o Ryan o Will o Empire Horns o Highlights o
shit myself at the family reunion and that time i first received my holy communion the moon is rising and these extra two inches tonight are surprising and i and you and ro-o
A man has got the right to protect his home and his love one, right? [Martin Harrison] Of course he has. [Amos Hart] Well, I come home from the garage
the eraser? G-O-H-O-H-O-I-O G-O-H-O-H-O-I-O G-O-H-O-H-O-I-O H-O-I-O-G-O-H-O What's a computer? Eat y'self fitter What's a computer? Eat y'self fitter
change for fare There was an old bag lady with an outstretched hand And a small Salvation Army band Playing Angels We Have Heard on High The First Noel and O Holy Night
city Back home he lies in bed for days and days Watching American television, smoking And playing with himself ringing double O double 5 Into town on Thursday night