decimation Our decimation Our decimation Our decimation - echoes Sure decimation Sure decimation Sure decimation - distant Sheer decimation Sheer decimation Sheer decimation - echoes Pure decimation
Übersetzung: Origin. Echoes Of Dezimierung.
: Agony inside me Enemies surround me Misery confide in me Your soul soaked in sickness Being plagued with weakness Fill your world with meekness Drowning
: Lurid maelstrom, ignite knowledge Beyond al time I have to come- to now collect all your souls Come to me I've come to give sight Unspoken might Severed
: You're born dead Into oblivion to be brought back To our world - you have no soul Lifeless your life is, no one can tell you why Why this life, why
: We have returned to the edge of our lives To gaze deeply within the meaning to just why we're here Look deep inside all your miserable minds Only then
: Simple, pure life, evoked Gorged with, illness, disease Mutate, hidden secrets Transformed, life forms of death Treachery constantly bleeds from me
: Hatred swelling deep within the souls of all today I commend it, I condone it, raging to a head Festering the anger can not be put down to rest It
: Opressed Burdened - unsettled time Defile Pervert - the vicious cycle of our lives Corrupt Degrade - virtue erased Debauched Spoiled - dilution of
: Death-has come to you Nothing left to do Fire - coming at you from all ways Burned - still alive Screaming silent cries Crawling - out to see your