your life a better life My love How do you feel like My love, have you ever felt like You have no doubt You had walked out Over the point of no return
learned The point of no return You say "What if?" But can you live it? It's all that we deserve It's all that we deserve The point of no return Don't
: Here I stand On the shores of abandomnent, Waves quietly at my feet. All I see is venom! Venom is all I see Surrounding me! Venom! Oddly it sooths
: Over there lies the body, Of false hopes and unfulfilled desires. It inspires only loathing Silence, irony Becomes it's only testimony, Contrary to
: Esse sistema brutal tem de ser derrubado Heranca de sangue da colonizacao Uma estrutura de senhores imposta pelo medo Servos que nao se curvam,
: Uma geracao com os olhos para o oeste Buscando no passado reconstruir o futuro O direito ao retorno alimenta a coragem em tempos de desespero sob
: Taticas construidas para domar as linguas rebeldes que podem gritar Uma fabrica de ideologias: a arma sutil e sedutora da hegemonia imperialista
: Uma massa morta de metal e concreto Pilares imoveis inquebrantaveis Uma tempestade inesperada fez o projeto desabar A rigidez da estrutura
: Those destined to agonize must no longer shed a tear! Hurt working hands lifting sickles and sticks. Sweat falls in their eyes. The mass sees red
: Vidas levadas ao inferno, pecas que sobram na engrenagem A elite se isola da miseria por ela mesma criada. Muros escondem um terror eterno, um
: Endless nights of persecution reopening wounds - never healed. Always willing to suppress our attempts to be free. Violence is always a tool in
: O fim da historia... A fraude que nos vendem Nao vamos aceitar!! Milhoes nascidos sem um lugar na ordem mundial. O mundo ainda controlado pela
: (97 Version) The message was passed on. With the compassion I've earned, now I show the others the same things I've learned. I won't rest until
: Barreiras erguidas pra afastar a justica Exercitos criados pra maner a elite segura Classes se confrontam no dia-a-dia, sem tregua Cresce a
: Morrendo lentamente conforme nos tornamos indiferentes. A cada esquina, o choque de opostos. Privacao x ostentacao O vazio invade, domina, se instala
: It's been five years, but my eyes won't ever forget the crime, the injustice....the bloodshed ! Victimized - no chance to live a decent life. Rights
: And we say no... This rebellion is not over. Not until there's liberty! We won't fall prey to them. Men and women marched against the armed in
: The congress was in session - freedom and mastery to decide where they would set the boundaries and confines. Artificial countries- They arranged