Übersetzung: Depeche Mode. Stjärna.
: Es gibt diese Tage, an dem die Blickrichtung dreht von. Was da noch kommt, auf das was schon war - ich frag mich. Ist es der Alk, oder werde ich sentimental
: Chi non ha sognato mai il grande amore chi non l'ha trovato mai e sogna ancora e chi crede che non vale piu la pena di cercare e che e solo un'illusione
: Facce sulla carta, telegiornale, mani sulla torta, tra gli sconti eccezionali e gli applausi ai funerali:animali. La commozione, l'indignazione, la
: Dear, putting pen to paper In hopes this finds you better Our moment takes my mind. Remember the kiss that took my breath away? Was it everything
: When your world was crumbling, I was there in your time of need. Broken glass for a broken dream Like riots on an empty street. So long to everything
: Can't hear what they're saying to me; They're right in front of me, and you're so distracting. I'm looking beyond their faces looking at me; You
: I read her story tonight, And I think it's only right that I should tell you how I feel. If you had told me today that love could change the way This
: The room, it starts to spin And I begin To realize that you may Not find the way The walls begin to push me in It's hard to see where this could end
: You're standing there (remember this moment) Your gaze is piercing through us all (it's almost faded) But what's unclear (we'll try to learn from it
: i'm sure your saying, its about time you kept him waiting thinking life was mine i spent my life wandering away, not knowing you were begging to stay
: All by herself she .. sun is up she's looking down her tears hit the ground they start the fire he took her heart he took her smile and simply knew
: Jose Saramago ? Franklin Rodrigues Janelas que me separam / Do vento frio da tarde / Num recanto de silencio / Onde os gestos do pensar / Sao as traves
: Welcher Stern steht uber uns? Uber dir und mir? Welcher Stern hat mich gefuhrt auf meinem Weg zu dir? Welcher Stern steht uber uns? Bringt er Tranen
: Ein kurzer Glanz in Deinem Lacheln - ein Augenblick Zu kurz um alles auszusprechen Und Worte geben nichts zuruck Dein Duft wird auf mich warten
: I don't want to be a star Just want my chevy and an old guitar I don't want to be a star I don't need the fat cigar My friends wonder what is wrong
Spencer Pratt I'm A Celebrity (Get Me Out of Here) I'm a celebrity .....get me out of here!!! ( Baby I get paid I don't volunteer I'm a celebrity