a prison without prison bars Trapped in a prison without prison bars Help me Help me I'm trapped in a prison without prison bars Help me Help me
Übersetzung: Der Alarm. Gefängnis ohne Gitterstäbe.
no alarms we dream of ways to brake these iron bars we dream of black nights without moon or stars we dream of ways to brake these iron bars we dream
ask the bankers floating bonds to build cages for the inner-city's "idle-hands? instead of schools. Factories with fences meet the prisons without walls
Ask the bankers floating bonds To build cages For the inner city's 'idle hands' Instead of schools Factories with fences Meet the prisons without walls
no alarms We dream of ways to break these iron bars We dream of black nights without moon or stars We dream of ways to break these iron bars We dream
ask the bankers floating bonds to build cages for the inner-city's "idle-handsi instead of schools. Factories with fences meet the prisons without walls