she walks in with empty arms machine gun in her hand she is good and she is bad no one understands she walked in in silence never spoke a word she got
There was someone in Leicester who got stabbed in a club with, like, a syringe full of AIDS blood...
I used to understand happy, i know that i used to be happy, i was really happy I'm unhappy now and i can't remember what it's like to be happy, i only
I take seven nerves from your skin to sew them on myself. I take seven nerves from your skin to sew them on myself. I take seven hairs from your head
Have a good time Oh, you know I will
You got my number!
This is a machine for making cows Dadadada da da C'est une machine pour faire des vaches Da da da da Three, four, five C'est une machine pour faire
Viva Las Vegas (x2) Viva, Viva, Viva, Viva Las Vegas!!!! (unintelligible) Oh yeah! All right! Come on! Yeah! Hit it! VIVAAA LAS VEGAAASS!!! (x3) VIVA
Unborn baby! (x2) Unborn baby!(x4) Look at its face! It's sick! Look at its fucking face! It's fucking sick! Oh my fuck, it's sick!! She don't want
It's so cold and miserabllllllle.... A Winnipeg wrestling coach is accused of sexually assaulting one of his athletes. Every time (time, time) Every
we drink pink + green caffeine move your 80s muff from my quadravision screen we drink pink + green, don't matter tough as shit when you have a weak bladder
It is January. I realised that if my body broke I would break into blossom.
Thanks My God, what, what are you doing here? Well, what does it look like? I'm moving to Winnipeg Pourquoi?! How the weather in Winnipeg? (Winnipeg
It's just a pigeon, looking for its nest It doesn't know that it's wild It doesn't know that it scares me Why am I frightened so easily? Pigeon, why
Je n'ai pas fini d'esperer Infatiguable comme une araignee Je guette vers l'avenir Vers ma toile quotidienne Les joies du soir et du matin Qui filent
Easy Difficult Easy Difficult Easy Difficult Easy Difficult Difficult Listen to the drum machine Easy Difficult (x2) May I get you a drink? Are you