.] Wotan entsendet seine Tochter wohl auf das Schlachtenfeld Auserwahlt, um zu erwecken, wer im Kampfe fallt Hehre Krieger, mutig, treu dem Stahl Walkuren
: [Instrumental]
To the gods of the north, i pray and raise my cup for the fallen ones then i cry in valhalla they'll sing Rain red blood keeps pouring down come valkyries
Battle hymns, fire, blood and glory in the northern lands, Where the Gods command raise high my sword, for the reign of king, Open me the gate of my
Vas de nuevo a la batalla Hoy no hay miedo en tu mirada En la tierra el fuego ardera otra vez Corre la sangre por tu cara Duerme la ira de tu espada
Oh Warfather on high, I am calling you from the battlefield And as I take my last breath I call for the mightiest of miracles For none but the brave,
Devin's a pervert, Devin's a pervert, Devin's a pervert, Satan is King! Devin's a pervert, Devin's a pervert, Devin's a pervert, Satan is King!
The world is a battlefield We're in a dark shadow You win or you'll be lost forever Don't waste all your tears Reality is so hollow You gotta fight, be
[MAGNUS:] I taste the wrath of your might [THORSEN:] I humble before thee dear father above [MAGNUS:] So bring down your hammer this night [THORSEN:]
Soon a new day will be spawned Scattered fires glow Soon first blood will be drawn And dying ambers glow They await the suns first rays Anticipation
Silent screams sucking space out of a desert place armies of wingless angels come crashing down god's firework may entertain one side of his race but
To the gods of the north I pray And raise my cup for the fallen ones Then I cry In Valhalla they'll sing [Lead: Andre] Rain Red blood keeps pouring
[music & lyrics: Varggoth] [dedicated to Lida Shevchenko] Улетела - песнь не допела Звездою упала во тьме Слезами искрилась роса по утру Рыдала трава
[Music:Olsson / Lyrics:Jarrebring] I?m finally here At the edge of my life Sacrificing myself to you My body is frostbitten and wounded Bleeding
I have not tasted bread for weeks Snow is what I eat and drink My saga the saga of hunger and need The father of my father ancestors of my kin The
Übersetzung: Amon Amarth. Walküren Ride.
Übersetzung: Domine. Der Ritt der Walküren.