Schrank. Schon morgen fruh, da hast du alles das vergessen, er hat bis jetzt fast jeden verdammten Tag so dort gesessen. Ref: Ach mensch Zirkus und
: Treten sie ein, meine Damen und Herren treten sie ein und zogern sie nicht ein Stehplatz ist immer, immer zu haben nur das Programm, das sie kamen,
Treten sie ein, meine Damen und Herren treten sie ein und zogern sie nicht ein Stehplatz ist immer, immer zu haben nur das Programm, das sie kamen, zu
Übersetzung: Rodgau Monotones. Zirkus Kaputt.
den Schrank. Schon morgen fruh, da hast du alles das vergessen, er hat bis jetzt fast jeden verdammten Tag so dort gesessen. Ref: Ach mensch Zirkus
: Call it new technology And they use it to burn And they show no concern Work for their prosperity While the big wheels turn Now it's too late to learn
: Silence please 'cos i've got something to say And i'm going round in circles every day The more I shout the more I hesitate Now that you're gone
This house is a circus, berserk as fuck We tend to see that as a perk though Look what it's done to your friends, their memories are pretend And the last
Anything you want, everything you need Every time you take, what's on offer You can step on out, you can do without You don't have to be like every other
One day the boy decided to let them know the way he felt inside He could not stand to hide it His mother, she broke down and cried Oh my Father, why
It wasn't me that saw you Standing by the neon lit door It wasn't me that saw you Clinging to somebody I deplore Baby, don't show your face Don't move
Make the world a little better I don't believe you know What you're talking about I don't believe you'd go And ever find out for yourself Always got
Come up to my room Come up to my room Do it any way you like it Give it everything you've got Shake it, move your body Love it if you like it or not
I try hard to put you out of mind Every night alone, I'm thinking 'bout you How can I avoid this pain without you? I won't cry, I won't be sorry no more
Call it new technology And they use it to burn And they show no concern Work for their prosperity While the big wheels turn Now, it's too late to learn
The Circus Lyrics THE GIRL: I remember a jet slowly scraping Low and heavy across a sky of slate I remember the angle of your elbow As it doubled
The sky collapsed around us, you didn't seem to care I hailed you through the raindrops, you weren't even there. I juggle with the breakfast, you fret